Wednesday November 29th, 2023

 Hello! Specifically from Lincoln 😎

From the kids:

In Literacy stations, we got a new station called Art Crtique. Each week we get a new painting or art work. There are 4 things we have to do: describe, analyze, interpret and decide! I loved it - Al

Christi Belcourt "I Envy Their Freedom"

Today in Science, we finished/started our Food Chain/Food web and then we started our good copies. It was really fun and I enjoyed doing it - Mya 

Today, we had a short word study.  We played a word study game where we had to draw it, act it out, or talk about it using our weekly vocabulary list. I really liked it - Maya

Today during Health, we did Kid of the Week, it was Adrian! We worked on positive self-talk also made added positive notes to a frame and drew something that represents us in the middle of the frame - Em 

Working on our new station!


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