Friday September 15, 2023

 Hey families!

Today the blog is written solely by Mrs. Barnden! 

We had a wonderful Friday! Today we spent quite a bit of time outside enjoying the sunshine and doing our Field Study Friday as well as some Daily Physical Activity!

We discussed Abiotic and Biotic factors related to environment and completed 6 quick sketches to represent their understanding. 

We also learned a new game called Tatonka, Tatonka! Ask your students how to play 😃. 

We also spent the morning with our Grade 2 buddies celebrating Dot Day! 

Dot Day

They co-created dot inspired artwork and the results were amazing. I was incredibly proud of how all the students acted as leaders and role models. 

We ended our week with our Community Circle where we shared our Rose and Thorn of the week. I really love hearing the students' highlights and things we can improve on. 

Here are some upcoming important dates: 

Wednesday September 20: Terry Fox Run - we are also collecting Toonies for Terry for Cancer Research!

Thursday September 21: Meet the Teacher  Night - come on down and see the classroom 💜

Friday September 22: No School for the kiddos! 

Here are some awesome photos from today (and one from yesterday - Hi Em!) 


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