Monday September 25

Hello, Ellohay!

Here are some things we want to tell you about: 

Some important things to note that are coming up:
Please return your In-line skating forms as soon as possible! 
Thank you to those who have returned them already! 

Orange shirt day will be observed at our school on Thursday September 28th. Please wear Orange. 

We had a spelling assessment, it was okay - RW

In Science, we drew what we thought the different types of wetlands would look like. It was fun - AL

Today, we a had guest teacher in gym and we played Bench Ball again. It was really exciting and active - Clark and Mustafa

In Literacy stations, we got our groups! Today we chose what station we worked on, but tomorrow we are starting our rotations! - Vada and Mrs. Barnden

In Math, we got to work on more coordinate geometry pictures and it was difficult but fun - Maddi

We played Silent Ball today and it was really fun - AS

In Social Studies, we talked about Truth and Reconciliation and why we have a day for it.  I think it was good to talk about Indigenous and Canadian History - Emily and Mrs. Barnden

We also watched a video about Fall Equinox! Happy First day of Fall - Maddi

Here are some pictures of our predictions of what the types of wetlands might look like based off the names:

To see the actual definitions, check out this video: 

Silly Responses - that will soon be turned into creative writing tasks for all of our wonderful classroom comedians 😊

Today at lunch, I had a nutella sandwich - Mustafa

Today at recess, I walked - MP

At snack, I had a big juicy red tomato - VV


  1. hello! sadly im stuck at home..but today at home i had chicken nuggets for lunch hope u have a good day at school tomorrow


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