Thursday September 14th, 2023


In gym today we played Guardians of the Castle again. It was cool ! - MSA

Literacy Stations was fun today because we got to write down facts about our creature that we researched - MP

We did some health, and we talked about personality traits and how lots of people have different traits and have the same traits. We also tried to stack our trait cards to make the tallest tower - EW

At snack, I ate crackers - LE 

We started learning about Wetlands. We are going to draw a wetland tomorrow - MA

Today in literacy we worked on our expert station and researched animals. I researched about Cheetahs. They are one of the fastest animals in the world and they live in grasslands - MA

We practiced our fire drill routine - VV

Today at lunch I had a bagel - VS

At snack I had a rice crispie - AS

At snack we continued reading Math Inspectors. It is VERY dramatic - LA

We got into a group and shared things that we had in common and we wrote them on cards. Then we folded them and made a tower. - JV

Today in math, we played battleship using a grid! - AM

Hi families! We are really digging into blogging together, including exercising our senses of humour, hence the posts about ours snacks :) that or we are a very hungry bunch. 

We are collecting Toonies for Terry! Raising money for cancer research and students will participate for our Terry Fox run on September 20th. 


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