Thursday September 21, 2023

 Tonight is Meet the Teacher Night! 

Please come on down between 5:00-7:30 pm to visit Me (Mrs. Barnden) and the school! 

Apple 🍎 orders will be available pickup tonight.

No school tomorrow! 

Here are today's highlights:

We got to write a letter to our families and if you come you'll get to see them! - Maddi 

We did a graphing activity with coordinate geometry - AM

In math, we got to finish our picture for coordinate geometry - VV

We did another literacy station, reading response - it was fun - JV

In Science, we are going to draw 5 pictures of what we THINK the 5 wetlands are! Marshes, Bog, Fen, Slough and Pond - Leo

In gym we played Benchball in gym, it was really fun - Clark

This morning, we were going to do wordstudy, but because we did such an awesome job with our grade 2 buddies during the Terry Fox as well as the excellent report from our Guest Teacher yesteday, we were able to have 15 minutes of Finish up free time! - Mya A.

We got to pick where we sat during lunch - Maddi

Working on our Coordinates!


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