Tuesday September 12, 2023


We played Boom City in gym again today. It was very fun because the catchers could switch whenever they wanted - JV

We also had bonus balls that if you catch one, you get 3 flags! I liked that part - CL

We played a fun math game because it was fun trying to guess what the numbers equalled. There were two people who put cards on their head and there was a leader who told them what they equalled to, then the two people had to guess what the numbers were - EW

Also in Math we did our first ESTIMYSTERY! There is a container with an item in it and you have to estimate using the 5 clues! - LA

We also got to go to Music with Ms. White and explore the music room, and it was fun! - MG

We ate snack today and it was the opposite of thumbs down. JH

We had a good day! We also discussed how it is important to identify and acknowledge our feelings so that we are able to be more prepared for when our feelings become overwhelming. We had an interesting discussion about how it is important to share how we are feeling and why you shouldn't keep your feelings in. We also discussed that finding a safe adult to help you when you are feeling overwhelmed can be helpful. 

Looking forward to Wednesday :) 

One student asked for a link to our Estimystery: check it out below:



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