Wednesday September 13, 2023

 Hi, Bonjour! 

We played Gym outside, we played a game called Guardians of the Castle - MA & CL

We continued to work on our Lifemaps. I added a lighting bolt to symbolize that I was feeling nervous, but excited about Cheer! - MG

We went over Library expectations today! I am excited to bring home books that I enjoy reading - EW

In Math today, we did a show what you know. I liked the shape patterns, they were increasing and decreasing patterns.  VS

In Literacy stations, we did Expert station. We studied and researched animals. I did Turtles! AI

We also talked about Terry Fox! He started his run in Newfoundland - MG

We also did a cooperative game with a hoolahoop where everyone had to work together - MG

Today the blog is looking better than yesterday because it feels like it has a lot more information - MP

We also played HYPE rock, paper, scissors outside. It was really fun - CA

We also told our friends about the book we are reading during snack - it's called Math Inspectors - MG


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