October 23, 2023

 Welcome Snow! 

From Mrs. Barnden:

Please, please ensure your kiddos has two pairs of shoes (one for outside and one for inside). This is a huge help with keeping the classroom clean. 

October 26 - Kernels fun snack day! 

Several grade 5s stepped up to help out our younger students with getting ready for in-line skating today! They are showing what excellent role-models they are. Shout out to: RW, Mya A. Colin, Audrina, Victoria, Jordan, AK and Tenchi for being fabulous leaders and helpers in the school. 

We started our morning with a community circle where we shared something we are excited for and something we are nervous for. It is always good to touch base with our feelings and check-in with any thing that we are feeling nervous for. Students are always welcome to pass if they do not feel comfortable sharing for any part of the circle. 

The stories they are writing are turning into a really cool blend of traditional "how the animal got their..." and contemporary ideas. I love hearing all of their creative ideas and seeing them work them into their writing.  Together we created a must have list for their stories and here are some of the parts they felt would be most important: 
character development
good side characters
interesting beginnings. 

From the kids: 

Today in Music, we played a Halloween game that had a song with. It was kind of like hot potato but it was a witch's broom stick. It was to practice reading music aka solfege - Emily

In music, I won the first round of the game - Leo

Leo, beat me in the final two of the music game. I accidentally dropped it! - Emily

In word study, we practiced ies, es, and s endings. We did this because we are working on spelling things correctly. In word study, we practiced with a partner or by ourselves the endings!  - Adrian & Victoria

It is snowing today, and I want it to stop - Alex

I want 20 feet of snow - Lincoln

Today the Kinders had their first day of skating,  and I got to help. It was really fun and cute - Mya A.

In writing, we were writing about the wetland animals and making a story out of it, We are doing this to show what we know about wetlands - RW

We actually started on our actual story itself! We should have written the beginning of our stories - Colin

I am really happy the snow came today, I love snow, it has been forever since I've been in school and it's snowed! - Clark

(It is this student's first time seeing snow) I do not like the snow - AK

In literacy stations, I made another book. It is part of a series I have been working on. I really enjoy it - JH

Today in Math, we practiced writing numbers in words, expanded form, and standard form. We did this to practice spelling and writing numbers correctly - Vada

Halloween is near - AM


Today I had a delicious wrap, that kind of tasted like a cold taco - Maxx

I had pie for snack - JH

I walked - Colin


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