Thursday Oct 26 & Friday Oct 27, 2023


From Mrs. Barnden:
Reminder, students can wear their costumes, orange and black, or regular clothes on Tuesday October 31. 

Friday October 27th, 2023

Today in gym, we played a game with pylons, we were trying to flip them with a timer. If you didn't get yours flipped, you were eliminated. We also played a few rounds of silent ball! We played this to practice team work skills - Emily

In health, we did writing where we wrote two things we did every day, two things that make us feel happy and positive and two things that help us handle hard things. We did this to help us with our feelings - Jordan 

Today during Field Study/DPA we all played Hibernate, Migrate, Resist. There were 3 pylons that we had to run to when Mrs. Barnden called out the name. There is also camouflage where we had to go behind a partner and make bunny ears and then there was huddle where we had to go in group of 4 and huddle. Burrow was when two people would make a bridge and the third person would burrow. We did this because we were learning about different ways animals survive outside - Clark

Today in math, we built a city that had to have a gas station, grocery store, park, school, and other structures. We did this because it helps us with our geometry, coordinates, and how to follow directions. - Vada

Today we did KOTW (kid of the week). We do this because it is a good way to build community for our classroom - Rananjay and Mrs. Barnden

Today during snack, I had an apple that was red - Maxx

Halloween is in 4 days - AM

Today was today - CK

Today I have gloves on - AK

The snow is melting - Alex

Today I existed - Adrian 
Today we went to school - Clark

when is home time? - Mustafa

Wetland art from yesterday!

City planning!

Ak presenting his Highland Cow Expert station presentation

Thursday October 26th

From the class and Ms. Tang (our guest teacher)
  • In Music, they played a game called "Witches Broomstick" (similar to Hot Potato but with a broomstick). They also played a different game using cups to play along to the beat of the Adam's Family song. 
  • They spent some time drawing pumpkins in the Prairie using oil pastels, where they tried to make their pumpkins as realistic (and detailed) as possible so that others could guess which pumpkin they drew. They then did writing using the pumpkins as inspiration (the focus was on using specific details that would help identify their chosen pumpkin).
  • Today in math they had a Number of the Day which was 6 digits long for the first time. 
  • And they were quite proud of the 3D-looking drawings they created of a wetland!


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