Thursday October 19

 Hoii (I am told this is hi in cute version) 

We ran out of time for blogging today! So it's all just Mrs. Barnden's take aways from the day and week.


No school tomorrow October 20th

School Spirit wear orders are due this Saturday (October 21). You can find the information to purchase here

October 26th is Kernels Fun Snack day

Photos went home today! They look awesome. If you would like to orders are due OCTOBER 31st. 

Students continued working on their wetland adaptation stories. Today they were asked to plan it out using jot notes that included how their animal got their adaptation and to think about how they will describe their wetland. Ask your student to share with you their story plan! 

We also continued to build our comfort level with numbers into the millions by playing 'junk it'. Next week will be working on developing our understanding of decimal numbers. 

We ended our morning with maker time where students were challenged with creating something that helps the environment. They were really creative creating robots to clean, spaces to house people, and water filtration systems. 

The weather was absolutely lovely today and we enjoyed our community walk where students observed the Fall changes and also looked for something they found beautiful outside. 

Looking forward to another wonderful week! 


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