Tuesday October 24, 2023


From Mrs. B:
Kernels! is coming on October 26th. 

The kids are great! They are demonstrating some great critical thinking skills in our Science/Writing unit by including specific and creative details to show different animal traits or describe the wetlands their stories are taking place in. We have also been experimenting with adding dialogue, students were introduced to the rule "talk, talk" ACTION to ensure their stories have some flow! 

Math has been awesome as we dig into how to represent decimals using base ten blocks, standard form, expanded form and in words. Students shared what the knew about decimals: they are parts of a whole, you read the decimal numbers with "Th" at the end, and they are also connected to fractions. 

From the kids:
Today we had gym in our classroom, we played a game that was like air hockey with a beanbag and one that was kind of like curling on the table, with wax museum at the end. We played these games to work on our hand-eye coordinations and reflexes. -Emily 

Today during literacy stations, it was exquisite because it makes you research things - MP

At recess, I played with my friends and made a snow mountain for animals - Alex

For recess, my friends and I made a castle and some people destroyed it. -AK 

Today in math, we learned more about decimals. We learned how to write a decimal number because we want to work on our decimals - Rananjay

Today during Science, we watched a book called Salamander room then after we did an activity where we had to answer some questions on the board - we had to put animal and plant names into a web that showed who was food source for who - Clark

In writing, we started the middle of our story which focused on the suspense part! - Maya G.

Today during word study, we practiced ies, es, s endings and we edited a paragraph for any mistakes for word endings - Em

Today, during word study, we corrected sentences with the correct endings - JH

Today at recess, my friends and I made a tall mountain. Some people wrecked it so we rebuilt it and made it taller and more thick. It is very tall! It's like 3 feet - Vada


Today we did blog. - Clark

Halloween is near - AM

Happy Christmas - MP

Today we went outside - Colin

I wanna go home - Mustafa

Today, I wore a jacket - AK

Snow - Alex


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