Wednesday October 25, 2023

Hi Families!

Some Photo highlights from today: 


Clark's bridge

The twins in action during the dice game!

Maddi presenting her expert station

The gals cool representation of space!

Representing 0.9 or 9 tenths

Clark sharing his story during Author's chair

Adrian and Tenchi building some interesting spinning devices

Workin' on our decimals!

Alex sharing her story during Author's chair

Leo presenting his expert station presentation on Great White Sharks


Victoria representing 0.56 or 56 hundredths

Mithran working on his decimals

And Clark enjoying some 'spa' time during snack 😆

We had maker today and the theme was create something related to outer space. We did this because we will be reading A Rover's Story as our next read aloud - Jordan and Mrs. B

In math, we did decimals! We played a game with them and it was cool. We will have a show what you about them next week - RW

Today in gym we were inside again, we played something similar to air hockey but this time we under hand threw a dice. It had to bounce and the other team had to try catching the dice, if they catch it, we don't get a point, but if they don't we get the point. We were working on reflexes and hand-eye coordination - Colin

In maker, Maddi, Maya, Circle and I made a UFO with little green bears and pipe cleaner antennas - Alex

Today in writing we worked on our main event of our story. I really like this subject because I love writing stories and reading them - Emily 

Today during writing, we wrote our main event from the story. We had to work on our "talk, talk" action. Sometimes I still use talk, talk, talk, but I am trying to use more action - Clark

In literacy stations, I worked on letter writing and expert station. I finished my presentation and I am hoping to share it soon! - Em

Today at math, we learned about decimals. It was fun - Maxx


Halloween is near - AM

There is more snow - Alex

We went for a walk, even though we didn't - Colin

Today I sat down on my chair - Clark

Today during lunch, I had the most tastiest cold taco of my life - Maxx


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