Monday November 27, 2023


Hi Families!
Just a few reminders: 
December 1: PJ day - participation is always optional, but feel free to wear your comfy clothes!

December 1: Hot Chocolate Descriptive Writing activity: students will have the option of enjoying some hot chocolate to continue to foster our descriptive writing skills as well as enjoy during our Friday Community Circle.
If you do not want your student to participate, please let me know. There will also be a school messenger coming out about it as well. 

December 5: Dress like you're going on vacation day! Whatever a vacation looks like to you! 😎

December 7: Edo fun lunch!
-Mrs. Barnden

From the kids:

Today during gym, we played soccer and so first we started with a warmup of revenge tag. Then we did some basic drills and then we played Pirates! We did a warm up to practice our soccer skills, we played pirates to have fun. At the end, we ended with a game of wax museum - Clarkster

Today during math, we worked on rounding with decimals! We rounded to whole numbers! We worked on this so that if we were using money, we know how to count and use coins - Emily

*Can you round this decimal number to the nearest WHOLE Number:*


In Science, we wrote 3 food chains that started with a producer, they had 1 or more consumers and for a bonus you could include a decomposer. You had to label the roles, and if you finished you got to take jot notes for when you complete your good copy - Joshua

We had fun today, ALOT of fun! -AG

Today during word study we worked on prefixes and suffixes and some words that have both. We did this to practice and understand the endings and beginnings of words. AND today during literacy stations, I was on poem, I made my own poem about school and learning - Emily

Some of our work with Prefixes and Suffixes:


I want to go home - Mustafa (good thing it's the end of the day ) 

Croissant - Maxx

It's home time - Rananjay

Where is the snow? - Al


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