Tuesday November 28th, 2023

Hi Everyone!

Today was a busy day! 

Students are showing a great understanding of rounding decimal numbers. Congratulations to AK who was able to get the secret question 😃 . We have been having lots of great conversation about rounding up vs. rounding down. We will be moving on to adding and subtracting decimals next week with a great budgeting task for students to complete in December! 

A Rover's Story is giving us the amazing discussion in class! We have been developing our understanding of themes and how the author, Jasmine Warga, is able to include deeper messages within the story. We have been using our word work and phonemic awareness skills to determine the meaning of new vocabulary. One of the words we recently discussed was anthropomorphize.

We also had a blast enjoying the beautiful weather today with Ms. Gadbois' class for DPA. We played an Indigenous game that tests your lung power! Thanks Jordan for acting as our professional photographer. 

In Science, we have almost wrapped up our study of wetlands. Today students worked on another food web example, creating different food chains.  We will be moving on to Chemistry! 

From Emily who wrote this herself, a future author/writer and/or blogger: 

In writing, we worked on journal writing where we answer a would you rather or something like that and make 2 paragraphs of why we choose to go to that place or do something and we did this to practice our writing skills and our imagination ideas. -Emily


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