Friday December 22, 2023

Happy Holidays!

Happy New Years! 

- Grade 5A

The grade 5 music club did a performance today for the grade 4s and 5s. It was so awesome! They did a fabulous job! - RW & Mrs. Barnden

That's all we had time for! Today was a busy whirlwind of fun, cleaning up and finishing up! I feel so lucky to get to spend my days with all your wonderful children - they really are amazing, funny, smart and so thoughtful! I look forward to the next few months seeing them grow, learn and continue being their hilarious selves. As per their most recent question to me, they are all my favorites 😎.

Have a wonderful holiday break! See you back on January 8th! 

Here are the upcoming dates in January: 

Jan 1: Mustafa!

Jan 7: AM!


Jan 11: Booster Juice Fun lunch - can be ordered on the fun lunch website

Jan 15: No school!

Jan 19: Tenchi! PJ Day

Jan 25: Subway lunch

Jan 26: EM! Family Literacy Day

Our Scientists determining the solvent and solute in their hot chocolate mixtures:


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