Monday Dec 18

 Hello Families!

Important Dates: 
Monday Dec 18: Wear Red and Green Spirit day
Tuesday Dec 19: Festive or Fun Sweater Day
Wednesday Dec 20: Stop, Drop Carol Day or Wear your celebration outfits day
Thursday Dec 21: PJ DAY! 
Friday DEC 22: Hot chocolate for Grade 5s day! Feel free to bring your own reusable travel style mug
Last Day of school before winter break! 

Monday January 8th: Back to school! 

We were a very small and mighty class today with almost half of our students missing for illnesses or otherwise. Please check-in with your kiddos to make sure they are feeling okay! 

Today we worked on a new story plan based off of a picture! They students shared some really great ideas, writing their plans and first paragraphs today. They also shared their writing with their peers, receiving stars and wishes during author's chair. 

Here is the writing prompt they were working on! HERE

We also did some review of addition and subtraction with regrouping (formerly known as carrying and borrowing). Students worked on completing 6 questions for each subtraction and addition working through regrouping at various place values. This was a great opportunity to discuss how a question like the one below can feel tricky at first because you need to group more than once, but when you take a step back and look at value of each number, you know the equation is possible because 28 000 is much larger than 5000. 

   28 534 

     - 5 558_ 

Students also got to complete a really awesome vocabulary activity for our Read Aloud novel "A Rover Story". They should now be able to define: subset, perceive and futile!

Looking forward to a great rest of the week with some hopefully healthier kiddos! Sending good vibes to everyone at home and lots of vitamin C 😎.

See you tomorrow!


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