Monday January 29, 2024

 Today was Happy, Phenomenal, Exciting - from Leo, Em and HA

Important dates: 
January 30: Report Cards Released Online
Feb 5: Papa Johns Pizza order Night
Feb 8: Popcorn fun lunch
Feb 10: Lunar New Year! 
Feb 14: Spirit day: Wear red and pink
Feb 15, 16, 19: NO SCHOOL

Today we spent A LOT of time discussing chemistry and how it is applied in the life outside of school! We had some great discussions that connected to our Read Aloud "The Rover Story" and other parts of life. 

In math, we practiced our subtraction skills, playing roll to 0 using decimal numbers to the tenth. Students rolled the nine-sided dice creating a decimal number such as 6.8 and then subtracted it from 100. This reinforced how important regrouping is and also that it is a bit of conceptual jump to be able to break a 1 into tenths! We will continue to practice this going forward

Students also explored the question "Are grades helpful or would something else be better? to work on their persuasive writing skills. The students' responses were awesome, from creating their own scale to adapting the current scale to moving away from formal grades! They did an awesome job. 

We also did our first experiment and discussed the scientific method! We are looking forward to learning more about chemistry! 


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