Thursday January 25, 2024


Important dates: 
January 30: Report Cards available online MyCBEaccount

A number of students have asked me to share this with you:
This is the link for registering for fun lunches at school! You make an account and then you can register for lunches or snacks. 

From the students: 

In math, Mrs. Barnden passed out the math problems we made and other people had to solve them. We did this because we have been practicing working on word problems with decimals - Jordan, Mya, and CK

In social studies, we read an article about natural resources. One that was about an introduction, natural resources, nonrenewable, renewable and disappearing resources. We learning about this because it is a new topic for us and because it connects to our region learning, and it connects to wetlands! - Leo, Lincoln and Victoria

In writing, we practiced reading response - SA

Today we were in music, Ms. White's drum was broken and she was sad. We made a rhythm using any of the instruments - HA and Emily

Here are some pictures of the students solving their peers math problems! 


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