Wednesday January 24, 2024

 Hello everyone! 

Subway lunch tomorrow! 

From Mrs. Barnden:
Today students practiced their basketball skills in gym! Ask them about the acronym "BEEF". 😎

We also worked on our health posters where students answered the following questions about themselves:
  1. List 5 things you’re grateful for today. 

  1. What do you like most about your personality? 

  1. Whom do you trust the most? Why? 

  1. What are your strengths in friendships or relationships (e.g., kindness, empathy)? 

  1. I get anxious when _____________. 

  1. When do you feel most happy? 

  1. Describe a place where you feel most relaxed and peaceful. 

Thanks to our guest photographer Victoria for taking such lovely pictures!

It was a great Wednesday! 


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