Wednesday January 31

 Super very good, crazy, awesome, cool day - Maxx, RW, Lincoln

Important Dates: 
Feb 7: Winter walk day
Feb 8: Popcorn day

From the kids: 
In math today, we got to read our word problems and see if anyone got our problems right, if they were incorrect we got to give them feedback. We did this so they can check where they went wrong and so we can see where we can improve - Leo 

Today during gym, we played more basketball games and Mrs. Barnden's class was on the blue class and i think we won! It was fun - Em 

In science, we did our procedure and tomorrow will do our experiment! We are doing this because we are learning about chemistry and chemical reactions - AK, Maddi and Jordan 

From Mrs. Barnden:

We also went to maker today! Students were tasked with retelling "A Rover's Story" using different materials! I was really impressed by their creativity. 

I also loved getting to see their reflections during their work on their word problems. They had some really thoughtful feedback for themselves in regards to writing and solving different word problems. 

Looking forward to two more great days this week! 

And here is a photo from guided reading today where the group is really into the suspenseful mood of the book! 


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