Monday Feb 26


Important Notes: 

Feb 28: Pink Shirt Day! 
            Leadership Parents: The Pink Shirt Assembly is at 11:45 am on Wednesday

From the kids: 
Today it was a blue day sadly so in second recess we 4-5 rounds of four corners and 2 rounds of silent ball. - Leo

Today in gym, we started floor hockey, we practiced stick handling and it was fun! We played a game called knock out. Mr. Newton had a bunch of pylons and we had to practice our stick handling. Anyone can steal your ball and shoot it to a cone/pylons and if it hit the pylon you had to stop and do five jumping jacks. There was also an elimination round where if it hit the pylon you were out of that round. Mr. Newton kept making the playing space smaller so he went from the whole Gym to half the gym to a corner of the gym it was SUPER FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Em

From Mrs. Barnden:
We had a busy Monday! Our leadership students were out in the school working on their presentations about Pink shirt day to the younger grades, and received so many praises from every teacher whose class they were in! 
Way to go: Alex, Emily, Jordan and Mya, and RW, Mithran and SA. We are really proud of you!

In math, students continued to develop their understanding of algebraic equations by working through some where students worked to represent the balanced equation. After they created their own solveme problem! 

We also worked on comparing and contrasting this afternoon, reading two different passages about Lions and then extending our understanding to each other! It was a nice way to end the day with students making connections with each other. 


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