Thursday February 22

 Happy Thursday and Math Games Night! 

Reminder: DROP-IN for Math Games Night tonight from 4:30 - 6:00

Important dates: 
Feb 23: Multiples day - dress like a twin, triplet, quadruplet

Feb 26: Leadership meeting for Day C
Feb 28: Pink Shirt Day

Pink Shirt Day Assembly  is at 11:40 am for Div 2. Leadership students' families are welcome to attend to see their students shine in the assembly they are running and planning! 

Please see the ordering information for your NLS swag! 

From Mrs. Barnden:

We had a really great health lesson today discussing how to foster healthy social media habits. Students participated in a social media test drive where they got to experience types of social media with a partner and discuss how feedback loops are a huge part! They also discussed personal goals they had for developing healthier relationships with screen time, probably something all the adults could also do :).

We also had some excellent expert presentations on quite the variety of topics! We learned about the Heart from AK, Togi the worm from Maxx, the Alphabet from Leo and Art from Alex!


And we practiced our math games so that students are feeling like confident pros when they teach them to their families later. We also worked on an algebraic challenge: create as many equations that equal 1 or 2 using the numbers 0 and/or 1 only. 0 and 1 can be used as many times as needed. All operations are permitted. They worked really hard on this one!


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