Tuesday Feb 20

 Silly, Exciting, Happy, and Fun Tuesday - Clark, Alex, SA & HA

Important Dates:
For Numeracy week we have the following spirit days:
Feb 21: Dress like you are 100 (if you would like). No walkers or canes are permitted.
Feb 22: Patterns day
Feb 23: Multiples day, twin, triplet day! 

Feb 23: Math Games Night (Thank you so much to the families who have RSVPED via email)
Pizza Fun Lunch

From the Kids:

Today in art we color the eyes - SA

In art, we continued working on our dragon eyes - Jordan

During Math, we played 3 math games that we haven't played in awhile: Decimal pickle which is where you order decimal numbers from greatest to least, Junk it with decimal numbers, and Mind Reader where there is 3 players, one tells you the answer to the question and the others guess the numbers. - Em

Today in Writing, we started our computer and red journal writing about a notable Black Canadian of our choosing. We completed research and it was pretty fun - Leo 

This morning in Community Circle, we had to share our favorite number for numeracy week and one fun thing we did on the weekend - Victoria 


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