Wednesday Feb 21

 Exciting (Alex) , lovely (HA), historical (Clarkster), musical (Victoria) and boring (Josh) Wednesday!

Important dates: 
Feb 22: Pizza Fun lunch, PATTERN DAY!, Math Games Night! 4:30-6:00 drop in. 
Feb 23: Multiples day! 

Feb 28: Pink Shirt Day 

Snaps from today:

From Mrs. Barnden: 
Today was lovely! Students worked really hard on their research for notable Black Canadians! They are researching background information, accomplishments as well as family life. 
Students also worked again on order of operations and balancing equations using! 
We then started our research on water connected to your region! Students are developing their understanding of the importance of water to communities and how water is connected to jobs in each region as well. 
We also worked on the prefix 'de' during our word study. Students determined the meaning words like demystify and defrost.

From Em:
Today during writing we continued our Famous Black Canadian research on the Black Canadian of our choice. We do this activity to appreciate Black History month and all the people who changed Black peoples rights!!! I enjoy this activity!!! - Em


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