Wednesday Feb 28

 Pink Shirt day! 

It was a fun and different day for the grade 5s today! The leadership students did an awesome job in the assemblies! We also welcomed some of the grade 3s this morning while the rest of their class was practicing and performing for their part in the assembly. We had a great time, working with the dash robots and working on a Tanagram Rover puzzle that had students using their spatial reasoning and resilience to solve! 

For the afternoon, we continued with our literacy stations working on our reading, writing and literacy skills. Students are really into expert station, creating some really interesting presentations! Then we continued work on the trans prefix discussing the meaning of words of transfiguration, transfix and transformation. Students then worked on a tree of support - where they identified different support people who could help them in the community, at home and at school. 

Looking forward to another great day tomorrow! 

my Mr. Newton moment when all the robots were trying to talk to me! 


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