March 11-15

 What a week! 

Important dates: 
March 21: Evening Parent Conferences
March 22: Daytime Parent Conferences
March 22: Last day of school before Spring Break and Mrs. Barnden's last day

Tuesday April 2: Return to school 😎

We continued to work on our Black history biographies - students have been really focused on using strong topic and transition sentences. I have loved seeing them ask for feedback from their peers and the teacher and then incorporate it into their work. We also have had great discussions about how the different Black Canadians they are writing about are contributing and have contributed to our world today. We will be finishing them up next week and publishing them hopefully in time for conferences. 

We have continued to work on developing our understanding of order of operations this week! I have seen such growth in everyone's understanding. We introduced brackets and students demonstrated their ability to solve and create problems that use all 4 operations as well as include brackets. We have also discussed the why! which is so important in Math. We will be moving into algebraic equations this week with a brief review of multiplication and division strategies. 

We are working through our methods of separation with some hands-on experiments! Students were asked to consider a set of materials and to create mixtures that could be separated by a sieve, magnets, and water. Students were able to demonstrate their critical thinking skills as well as their understanding of the  scientific method. We are looking forward to further developing our understanding of chemical reactions!

Students brainstormed ways to stay safe when using social media and collaborated with a peer to create a poster. They have been sharing some really great ideas about how to keep their information safe, to avoid 'red flag' situations and how to deal with cyber meanies. 

Here are some highlights: 

Health POSTERS! 

Science Experiments!

And my fav photo of the week: Lincoln having a look like moment with his magnet and iron fillings mixture 😎



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