March 18-22 Spring Break has Arrived!

 Hi Families! 

Important dates: 
TUESDAY April 2 - Back to school and Welcome to Mr. Marino Coco as he takes over the classroom 😎
Wednesday April 3 - Spirit day: Wear your favourite Color 
Thursday April 4- Booster Juice Fun Lunch
Tuesday April 9 - Eid! 

Happy snowy Spring Break! I hope everyone has a restful and fun week with their families. 

It has been such a lovely last week with the kids. We worked on wrapping up as many things as we could to make the transition to a new teacher and to Spring as easy as possible. 
I have absolutely LOVED being your students' teacher this year and I am so sad to not be able to finish out the year, but Mr. Coco is really awesome and will be a wonderful addition the school and to the class! I can't wait to see how much everyone has grown in June and look forward to catching up and visiting with the twins one day soonish. 
Thank you so much for making my year so fabulous. I really do feel like the luckiest teacher, having had the opportunity to work with all of these amazing kids every day. 💜

Now here's the good stuff! 

We finished up our order of operations with a collaborative task where students were able to create multi-step problems that had the same answer. Then they were able to apply their skills to complete a short assessment to show what they have learned in this unit. We have covered: multiplication, division, addition and subtraction with the inclusion of brackets! Next up will be algebraic equations. 

The kids played another one of Mr. Newton's epic games in gym! Chimney Ball where they put their hand eye coordination and throwing skills to the test. 

JV keeping score 😄

We also wrapped up our separating solid mixtures experiments and will be moving on to liquid mixtures! 

Students also worked on their prefixes by playing talk about, act it out, and draw it! 

And our Region Art! 

And we ended our week with the request of Hop Little Bunnies, which is a song that my daughter Sloane loves.  Check it out Here.  😎

And one last Lincoln look 😃


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