April 15-19

 Students have been finishing up their Minecraft EDU competition submissions and are planning to record them for next week. We will be looking at the various submissions and seeing which ones are best suited for the larger competition coming up.

We've begun our health unit on human sexuality and have reviewed material from the grade four curriculum and started to learn about the material for grade five. I would highly encourage parents to go Teaching Sexual Health - Parents to access the resources available in order to continue to discuss this important topic with your child.

For writing, we reviewed storyboards; I wanted to give our students a chance to revist them and apply them to real world settings. I was impressed with how diligent everyone was and that they were all determined to complete the task in their best ways.

Alex showed us her constellation lightbox and we loved how she was able to tell stories about the different constellations and what times of year they appear. We are definitely looking at the big dipper in the northwest sky in August! 

For next week: we are picking a class winner for Minecraft, continuing with sexual education, and begining to look into City of Ember as our read aloud.


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