April 22 - 26

 This week our class ended our health unit on sexual education. Students discovered how an egg is fertilized the many options families have when choosing to have children.

We also finished our submissions for Minecraft, we are still in the process of deciding. I did allow the class provide feedback and they selected two finalists, I have to look through the submissions one more time and pick which one fits the rubric better. They will be competing with a larger group of division II students throughout the CBE.

As for writing, we are starting to learn how to assess a piece of work - students are going to develop their own rubrics and decide how they can improve upon their writing by fitting the criterion they've selected.

This week also celebrated both administrative assistants week and our literacy week. We had Ms. J as our support staff selection and we made a painting of her that had kind words about how she makes NLS an amazing place! For literacy week, we had a scavenger hunt and word contests - we also got to have many impromptu reading tasks and happy to show you our work with our literacy stations.

Here are some thoughts about this week from the class:

Leo - today in math, we did a worksheet that was hard

Emily - today in gym we had a freedom frenzy

S - we wrote about whether we should have a set bedtime or go to bed if we are sleepy

Alex - this week we finished health

Jordan and Hoshang - we played gaga ball because it was Friday


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