April 8-12

 This week in 5A - the students and I have been getting to know each other better and we've started to develop some really awesome relationships. I feel so lucky to get to know them and fortunate they are a kind and inquisitive group.

In math, we continued to learn algebra and used scales to represent the equations. I have a fun time with Emily, Alex, and Maya; we laughed at how silly we were adding and subtracting blocks but we eventually figured out the equations.

A wrote a hilarious story about a bank robbery on Friday using a storyboard, but the best was when we were doing mad libs. I encouraged the students to make their stories as wild as possible so long as they used the correct verb tenses and nouns of course. Even through fun, we have to follow the rules.

And now for some quotes from the students:

M - in gym we played sticks and yoga balls

Jordan - but on Friday in gym it was "Freedom Friday," we did gaga ball

Alex - In Rover Story, the main character, Rez heard the "hazmats" talk about Fly, another character in the book.

Affan - This was last week of fasting for Ramadan, I got to have an amazing breakfast feast on Eid.

Mustafa - Today, in Minecraft me and H built a house.


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