May 13-17

 Student have been anticipating their long weekend and it shows! I am constantly being asked when is the end of the school year and if we can spend time outside more and more. Summer is definitely around the corner!

Students were handed back their algebra "show your work" and some had the opportunity to sit down with me in small groups to work through them. We will have a redo as I think it's important for them to develop their skills and demonstrate them accordingly. We also tried our chops at songwriting, I asked to students to fix a few lines in our Area and Perimeter song they learned last Friday as I felt the tune needed some tweaking. To be honest, they were begging to do math worksheets after trying to get creative.

We began learning about electricity and will be doing our unit on it starting next week. In Social Studies, we are journeying through Canadian history and discovering what life was like prior to first contact between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. Students will have an opportunity to discuss the significance of each founding group's role (Indigenous, French, and English) in our shared history along with learning how immigrant communities from outside of the founding groups have contributed.

In Phys. Ed. students completed in a badminton unit that really showed some amazing volleys and serves. I was very much impressed to see our students be amazing athletes and I hope they'll trying out for teams once they enter middle school!

And now some words from our students:

Emily - Today in science we watch a video on safety and did a Kahoot

S - Today we had fun

Joshua and A - We had a math test

Jordan - We play xylophones in music

Alex and H - In gym we played badminton



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